Tham khảo Etheostoma_neopterum

    • Division, A. W. (n.d.). Lollipop Darter. Truy cập from Outdoor Alabama.
    • Page, L. (1995). Report Status Surveys of the Crown Darter (Etheostoma corona) and the Lollypop [sic] * Darter (E. neopterum) in the Cypress Creek and Shoal Creek Systems of Tennessee and Alabama, and the Egg-momic Darter (E. pseudovulatum) in the Duck River System of T. Champaign.
    • Butler, Robert. "Imperiled Fishes of the Lower Tennessee Cumberland Ecosystem, with Emphasis on the Non-Federally Listed Fauna Prepared for the Lower Tennessee Cumberland Ecosystem Team U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service September 2002 by Robert S. Butler U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Asheville, North." U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. September 2002.Web. 22 Sep 2011.
    • Bandoli, James. "Incipient second dorsal fin egg mimics in the spottail darter, Etheostoma squamiceps?." Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 133.2 ngày 30 tháng 12 năm 2004. n. pag. Web. 22 Sep 2011.
    • Etheostoma neopterum Howell & Dingerkus, 1978. (10, October 6). Truy cập from Fishbase.
    • Garrett G. P., C. Hubbs, and R. J. Edwards. 2002. Threatened fishes of the world: Cyprinodon pecosensis (Echelle & Echelle 1978) (Cyprinodontidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 65:366-366.

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